September 21, 2023
September 21, 2023
By Richard R. Russey
过渡和变化嵌入我们的DNA中(想想细胞分裂), as well as in our exterior world, both personal and professional. We know this, yet as real and as constant as change is, we often experience it as an intruder—unwanted, scary, and even debilitating.
我们生活的前进可以沿着一个连续体来体验,从光谱一端的呆滞到另一端的欢欣鼓舞. 我们大多数人经历的变化介于这两个极端之间, depending on the level of change involved—from minor, almost unnoticed hiccups to the earth-shaking, life-altering, highly impactful transfiguration of one’s life, school environment, and/or community. There is no doubt that for the most part we are creatures of comfort; we seek the familiar and are soothed and comforted by the known.
It’s undeniable, however, that within change great power exists, power that can be either enervating or energizing. Each person, team, organization, 和/或社区可以决定如何应对这种力量:记住, 我们总是可以选择如何应对变化的经历. One of the great global Renaissance women of our time, Maya Angelou, 明智地为变革对话做出了贡献,他宣布, “I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refused to be reduced by it.很明显,她的心态接受了变化是不可避免的,但围绕着变化她 attitude option exists as a choice. In Angelou’s case, 她拥抱自己拥有的力量,坚定地保持自己的平衡和目标, refusing to be diminished in any way. In fact, when looking at Angelou’s life, 我们可以相当准确地说,她以这样一种方式接受了改变,从而提升了她的生活(其中一个结果是智慧)。.
我们通常无法控制发生在我们身上的变化,但我们可以控制自己对变化的反应. To recognize and embrace that we always have an attitude option 是有意识地将改变视为获得积极利益和结果的机会吗. Looking at the challenge and power of change, legendary basketball player and coach John Wooden said, “Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.” Wooden’s words are useful and energizing, 部分原因是他们承认我们所有人都经历过失败, perhaps many times, through the course of our lives, but that failure itself is not fatal. 但他有力地谈到,生活的火车头是由变化推动的. Again, an attitude option is referenced, however obliquely.
So, 我们面临的挑战是我们如何决定应对这种转变和改变经验. 这里有一些积极的选择,可以帮助我们成功地驾驭生活中的变化:
When the going gets tough, which it most assuredly will from time to time, 保留罗伯特·C的这句话可能是个好主意. Gallagher in mind: “Change is inevitable—except from a vending machine.”
让我们充满活力地开始新学年的工作, excitement, and perhaps as importantly, 灵活性和对变化的理解是唯一不变的, and that it can be challenging and invigorating!
Richard Russey (richard.russey@apsva.us), a member of the Arlington Education Association, 在阿灵顿的蒙特梭利公立学校教视觉艺术.